Sunday, April 6, 2008


If home is where the heart is, how can mine be in so many places at once??

Right now I am in North Carolina for my Spring Break with Sar & Mark and their sweet "kids," Zoe & Toby. Ironically their six month drought ended when I arrived, so I felt right at home. Even though the skies are grey, the dogwoods & azaleas are in full, spectacular bloom. That's a good description of how I feel much of the time...the circumstances can get kind of stormy, but God uses Himself, my family, & my friends to color my life with joy.

We've had a great time just enjoying the mundane everyday joys of life. I got to "work" at Starbucks with Sar, & meet all of her friends & co-workers there. We took walks, played games, watched movies [[not to mention the game]], sang & just loved simply being. And now it is time to go back home to my boys.

I love my life back boys, the church, my Mom, zac's games, my students, my dogs, the beauty of Washington. Yet I always feel torn. My heart is stretched all the way across the world-from Washington, to Israel, to North Carolina, & back again to Washington! [[I always wanted to travel!]] I long for the day when we will all be back together, but I know that we are all EXACTLY where God wants us right now, & we've all grown so much. I'm glad we will all be united for eternity with our God in Heaven!

Gotta go whoop up on these kids in hand & foot! Be back home soon!


Rachel Israel said...

Very good, Mama. You're so computer savvy now. I'm glad you guys had such a good time together.

Kate Alesso said...

Just found your blog through Sar's. How are you?

I have to say, I feel exactly the same way. My family and so many friends here, yet so many awesome friends down in Cali too. And it's just going to become more like that as I get older, I have a feeling. People have a way of spreading out...

sar said...

hey, bout time for a new blog, yes?

call me and i'll tell you how, k

Joan Dabrowski said...

Wow Gaye. I am so proud of you my friend. And pink too! I love you soooooo much and am sorry Sara lives so far away. It was great to see her and sing with her!